The Hiatus- 在裂縫中窺探光芒
主唱細美武士在ELLENGARDEN的活動終止後,組成了現在的the Hiatus。「Hiatus」有「裂縫」的意思,而the Hiatus的歌卻是有讓人在黑暗中的裂縫窺探到光芒的感覺,而他們所展示出的不只是音樂,還有當中所蘊含的藝術。
從《Trash We’d Love》的銳變
(Photo from the Hiatus official website, viewed on 2014.4.26,
(Photo from the Hiatus official website, viewed on 2014.4.26,細美武士聲音的獨特性及張力在ELLENGARDEN時代已是無可質疑,2009年the Hiatus推出首張《Trash We’d Love》,也許因為專輯大多以細美武士作曲,那時的歌曲還保留著ELLENGARDEN時期的punk rock風格及影子;第二張專輯《ANOMALY》則可聽到與首張專輯不同的風格,除了punk rock亦包括了emo、progressive rock、experimental rock等等,很明顯可聽出樂團在作不同嘗試,尋找真正屬於他們的聲音。
(Photo from the Hiatus official website, viewed on 2014.4.26,
2011年,他們推出第三張專輯《A World of Pandemonium》,而該時期樂團的風格便更為明顯了。專輯除了以細美武士、亦以鼓手柏倉隆史為中心創作。這張專輯與以往的風格極為不同,歌曲旋律優美、亦給人較柔和的感覺,亦令人抹掉了ELLENGARDEN時期細美武士給人的感覺,讓人煥然一新。「Pandemonium」可解作「地獄」,但有趣的不論是這張專輯的歌曲、或是封面設計,都沒有這種黑暗、煩擾的感覺,相反卻令人覺得平靜。
暌違2年多的創作--《Keeper Of The Flame》
(Photo from the Hiatus official website, viewed on 2014.4.26,
The Hiatus第四張專輯《Keeper Of The Flame》於本年2014年3月24日公開發售,暌違2年多的創作的大碟,這張專輯的歌曲除了更彰顯在《A World of Pandemonium》中樂團獨特的風格外,與上張專輯灰白的顏色不一樣,這次的封面專輯以黑色為主,歌曲的主題讓人留下比以往更深刻的感覺及思考空間;〈Roller Coaster Ride Memories〉寫出人在遇到失敗的時候那種無助和掙扎,那種感覺是每人也擁有過,也深刻得無法忘記;〈Don't Follow The Crowd〉全首只有數句歌詞,「不要盲目跟隨人群」也許對很多人是很複雜的題目,因為人總很喜歡在人群中尋找安全感,卻忘了歌詞中寫著的,要「Dance your own freedom Smile for what you believe」;〈Burn To Shine〉寫出在現實中很多人也會想過的--與愛人逃離到沒有煩惱、沒有傷害,笑著就好了的世界。
The Hiatus正活濯於日本不同地區,雖然the Hiatus在香港亦不算是很有名氣,但相信他們的演出是很值得觀賞,有機會到日本而又大愛日本樂團的朋友必定要參與。
The Hiatus正活濯於日本不同地區,雖然the Hiatus在香港亦不算是很有名氣,但相信他們的演出是很值得觀賞,有機會到日本而又大愛日本樂團的朋友必定要參與。
masasucks(FULLSCRATCH/元・Jサポートメンバー)/ 結他
ウエノコウジ(元・thee michelle gun elephant / Radio Caroline
/ DAD MOM GOD)/ 低音結他
The Hiatus official website:
The HIATUS is a Japanese band fronted by Takeshi Hosomi, formerly of ELLEGARDEN, a punk rock band active from 1998 to 2008. The word ‘hiatus’, in the sense of ‘breaking off’, reflects the character of their music, with lyrics focused on bringing hope to the desperate, like glimmers of light shining through the cracks in the darkness. Takeshi Hosomi’s unique voice is a feature and his English lyrics are known for being grammatically sound and well-pronounced.

The first album, Trash We'd Love (2009), was primarily written by Takeshi Hosomi himself. This early effort remained close in style and lyrics to ELLEGARDEN. The first track, “Ghost in the Rain”, encouraged people to carry on in life no matter how lost they were feeling, as things will turn out all right in the end. The follow-up album, ANOMALY (2010), showcased a variety of styles including emo and progressive rock. It was an experimental work and an effort by the band to find its own true sound. Most songs on this record were written in English and the lyrics were closely based on the personal experiences and feelings of the band members.
The HIATUS is a Japanese band fronted by Takeshi Hosomi, formerly of ELLEGARDEN, a punk rock band active from 1998 to 2008. The word ‘hiatus’, in the sense of ‘breaking off’, reflects the character of their music, with lyrics focused on bringing hope to the desperate, like glimmers of light shining through the cracks in the darkness. Takeshi Hosomi’s unique voice is a feature and his English lyrics are known for being grammatically sound and well-pronounced.
The first album, Trash We'd Love (2009), was primarily written by Takeshi Hosomi himself. This early effort remained close in style and lyrics to ELLEGARDEN. The first track, “Ghost in the Rain”, encouraged people to carry on in life no matter how lost they were feeling, as things will turn out all right in the end. The follow-up album, ANOMALY (2010), showcased a variety of styles including emo and progressive rock. It was an experimental work and an effort by the band to find its own true sound. Most songs on this record were written in English and the lyrics were closely based on the personal experiences and feelings of the band members.
When The HIATUS released their third album, A World of Pandemonium (2011), they still hadn’t fully shaken off the connection to ELLEGARDEN in the eyes of their audience. However, this record was vastly different from previous albums, featuring beautiful melodious riffs, soft, hypnotizing sounds, and vocals entirely in English. ‘Pandemonium’ is a word used to describe a place of chaos and confusion. There is a strong contrast between that concept and the album’s cover art which conveys a feelings of tranquility and peace with its use of abstract white and greys.
In March 2014, the HIATUS released their fourth album, Keeper of The Flame. This record successfully solidifies their musical style, retaining post-rock and emo styles while throwing in electronic elements, with yet more emphasis on lyrics. Instead of the obvious choice of red for flames, the cover art is an impactful black and white. “Roller Coaster Ride Memories” continues the band’s early mission, being written to give hope to those people who feel lost or are despairing about failures in their lives, while “Don't Follow The Crowd” asks people to dance to their own freedom and smile for what they believe. In many ways, the band has matured, increasing its focus on broader social themes rather than simply expressing its feelings.
Members :
Takeshi Hosomi (細美 武士) – vocals, guitar (ex-Ellegarden)
Masasucks – guitar (Fullscratch)
Koji Ueno (ウエノ コウジ) – bass (Radio Caroline, ex-Thee Michelle Gun Elephant)
Takashi Kashikura (柏倉 隆史) – drums (Toe)
Masakazu Ichise (一瀬 正和) – drums (Asparagus)
Ichiyou Izawa (伊澤 一葉) – keyboard (Tokyo Jihen)
Takeshi Hosomi (細美 武士) – vocals, guitar (ex-Ellegarden)
Masasucks – guitar (Fullscratch)
Koji Ueno (ウエノ コウジ) – bass (Radio Caroline, ex-Thee Michelle Gun Elephant)
Takashi Kashikura (柏倉 隆史) – drums (Toe)
Masakazu Ichise (一瀬 正和) – drums (Asparagus)
Ichiyou Izawa (伊澤 一葉) – keyboard (Tokyo Jihen)
For more information, visit the HIATUS official website.
All photos from the HIATUS website & Facebook.
All photos from the HIATUS website & Facebook.
(Post on 2014.09.08 by