2014年12月19日 星期五

Her Name In Blood-流動在血液中的重金屬搖滾

 Her Name In Blood-流動在血液中的重金屬搖滾 

2003於東京年組成,2007年正式改名為Her Name In Blood的日本金屬樂隊成員包括主音Ikepy、結他手Daiki、結他手TJ、低音結他手Makoto及鼓手Umebo。以美國樂隊Strung Out的歌曲而命名的Her Name In Blood現為日本最受歡迎的年輕重金屬樂隊之一,隨著日本金屬樂隊的興起,他們在日本的樂隊圈子裏可說是無人不曉。


正式成軍一年後,2008年Her Name On Blood與同為日本樂隊的Before My Live Fails推出合輯,並於同年11月參與美國樂隊As I Lay Dying及Story Of Year名為「Taste Of Chaos」的巡演,更於2009年參與日本一年一度的大型音樂節「Pump Us The Volume」及積極地於日本不同地區巡迴演出。Her Name In Blood於2010年推岀首支單曲《CONFUSION》及專輯《DECADENCE》,相比很多樂隊他們推出個人專輯所花的時間較長,但這張專輯確實令他們在日本重型金屬領域更受矚目,獲得更多與國際知名樂隊同場演出及參與更多大型音樂節的機會。雖然樂隊正式成形只有兩三年間,但他們的實力已足以讓他們登上不同的大舞台。  


2012年與日本人氣天團Crossfaith於日本及東南亞地區巡演後,2013年Her Name In Blood推出專輯《THE BEAST》,雖然久違三年才推出新碟,但人氣不減地《THE BEAST》於日本各地的發佈巡演都全場售罄。除了主場日本,他們於2014年頭也到香港的Hidden Agenda進行專場表演及到台灣與大陸不同地區巡演及參與不同的音樂節。2014年4月23日他們推出了同名大碟,現在亦活躍於日本不同地區。


Her Name In Blood剛完成了「RETURN OF THE BEAST TOUR FINAL SERIES」大阪、名古屋及涉谷的專場演出。日本的樂隊數量十分龐大,理所當然樂隊之間競爭相比香港亦大很多,於日本舉行專場演岀並不容易,也許是為了確保觀眾的人數,很多日本樂隊策劃演出時亦會找來約四、五隊友好的樂隊一同演出,每隊樂隊演出約三十至四十分鐘,加起來一場演岀為時約三、四小時。Her Name In Blood於涉谷TSUTAYA O-WEST舉行約個半小時的大型專場演出,會場更差不多爆滿,真是絕不簡單。

演出由大碟的歌曲<Zero>及收錄於《THE BEAST》的<Gasolines>打開序幕,他們每首歌曲也屬於重金屬搖滾,令觀眾在九十分鐘內也保持著十分高漲的情緒。日本的觀眾確實較香港熱情,由第一首歌曲開始已有約三分之二觀眾在mosh pit及circle pit,而音樂break down時的wall of death更是差不多全場觀眾也動起來,這樣的情景在日本很常見,但在香港可謂少之有少。


還有很值得提及的是這埸演岀的終曲<Poker Face>。雖然以翻唱Lady Gaga的名曲作結,但相同的歌曲卻帶岀完全不一的感覺;他們這首重型版的<Poker Face>早已在網上瘋傳,更因該版本籠絡了不少外國樂迷,而Her Name In Blood更派發為這場演出特地印製的<Poker Face>單曲限量版予樂迷。

如想得知更多關於Her Name In Blood的消息,可瀏覽http://www.hernameinblood.com/https://www.facebook.com/hnibofficial !

HER NAME IN BLOOD "WE REFUSE" Official Music Video

Her Name in Blood - Poker Face (Lady GaGa Cover) Punk Goes Pop Vol. 4

(Photos from Her Name In Blood official Facebook page and website)



Her Name In Blood- The Front Line Metal core Band from Japan 

Formed in 2003 and officially altered its name into Her Name In Blood (HNIB) in 2007, its members include Ikepy on vocal, Daiki and TJ on guitar, Makoto on bass and Umebo on drums. The name of the band comes from a song called “Her Name In Blood” by an American band called Strung Out. With the growing of the metal core scene in Japan, HNIB is a well-known band that everyone is familiar with in the scene now.  

In 2008, one year after the formation of HNIB, they released a split EP with a Japanese band called Before My Life Fails and attended a tour called “Taste Of Chaos” fronted by As I Lay Dying and Story Of Year from America. In the following year, they even attended “Pump Us The Volume” which is a big scale music festival held in Japan once a year. Their first single CONFUSION and first album DECADENCE  were released in 2010. Although they were said to be a bit late for those releases compared with some local bands in Japan, the album DECADENCE succeeded in drawing more attention to the scene. They have gained more chances to perform with different famous international bands like A Day To Remember and The Ghost Inside from America and participate in more large-scaled music festivals in Japan. Despite the band has only been formed for only two to three years, the strength they had was already enough to hit different big stages.  


They toured with Crossfaith from Japan in Southeast Asia in 2012 and released an EP called THE BEAST in 2013. Although it had already been three years since the release of their first album, their popularity never declined that the release tour of THE BEAST in Japan was all sold out completely. Apart from touring in Japan, they also did a tour in China and they even came to Hong Kong and performed a one man show in Hidden Agenda in 2014. They released a self-titled full album HER NAME IN BLOOD this year and now continuing with their tour in different areas in Japan.


HNIB just completed their “RETURN OF THE BEAST TOUR FINAL SERIES” one man live which took place in Osaka, Nagoya and Tokyo. There are numerous bands in Japan that incite a much acuter competition among themselves than those in Hong Kong. It is not easy to hold a one man show in Japan, and many bands would invite their friends to perform together in the same show when they want to hold, let’s say, a single release party. This might be of a method to secure the number of audience if they hold the show in this way. Normally one band would perform about thirty to forty minutes so that the whole live would take about three to four hours. In short, it has been a great success for HNIB to hold such a large-scaled one man live in Shibuya TSUTAYA O-WEST with the extent of number of audience. 

The show was kicked off by the song “Zero” in their full album HER NAME IN BLOOD and “Gasolines” in their EP THE BEAST. Metal hardcore songs were played for around 90 minutes that kept the audience in an excited emotion at the very beginning and till the end of the show. Obviously, the audiences in Japan are so more enthusiastic than those in Hong Kong. The audience started the mosh and circle pit in the first song and almost everyone participated in the wall of death during the break down of songs. The audience participation is of striking importance in a metal hardcore show and this scene was said to be ordinary in Japan but it is really rare to be seen in Hong Kong.

When it comes to the instrumental solo, it was brought in by the guitar first and then adding the bass and drums like what we normally see in a live band concert. But then there is a fade out of guitars and a short solo part of the bass and drums. The drum solo is then brought out by the fade out of bass and the bass and guitar are then added to the performance again after the drum solo to complete the instrumental part of the show. This is quite special that we could see the band really invested effort in thinking about this part of the performance. 

There is also something worth mentioning about that the song “Poker Face” that they played at the very end of the show. Although this is not their own-produced song but a cover from Lady Gaga, this metal core version of “Poker Face” could bring a completely different feeling to listeners from the original version. This cover version also helped them to gain more fans from different parts of the world. Audiences took part in the live that night could also receive a limited version of this single.

HER NAME IN BLOOD "WE REFUSE" Official Music Video

Her Name in Blood - Poker Face (Lady GaGa Cover) Punk Goes Pop Vol. 4

(Photos from Her Name In Blood official Facebook page and website)

